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Production Complex of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Caustic Soda and Methanol project in Uzbekistan undertaken by CAMCE won Overseas Quality Project Award in chemical industry

By: From: Posted: 2020-12-01 05:42:00 FontSize: BIG MIDDLE SMALL

  Recently, China National Association of Chemical Construction Industry Enterprises (CNACCE)announced the list of winning projects for the 2020 Chemical Industry Construction Project Award. Production   Complex   of   Polyvinyl   Chloride   (PVC),   Caustic  Soda and Methanol project in Uzbekistan undertaken by CAMCE won Overseas Quality Project Award in chemical industry.

  It is a representative project of CAMCE after its initial entrance into the chemical industry. The winning of the highest honor of CNACCE is a strong proof of CAMCE’s successful implementation of overseas turnkey projects in the chemical industry.

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