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CAMCE and IPPR were awarded AAA of Enterprise Credit Evaluation for China International Contractors for 12 consecutive years

By: From: Posted: 2021-11-26 10:36:00 FontSize: BIG MIDDLE SMALL

  On November 22, China International Contractors Association  officially announced the results of Enterprise Credit Evaluation for China International Contractors in 2021. CAMCE and China IPPR, a subsidiary of CAMCE, have been awarded AAAthe highest levelfor 12 consecutive years. China IPPR has also been awarded AAA International Design Consulting Enterprisewhich was evaluated for the first time. 

  CAMCE and China IPPR have been actively participating in the credit evaluation of the Contractor Association and have always maintained the highest credit rating. Successfully passing the evaluation and obtaining the AAA Credit Evaluation again is a full affirmation of CAMCE and China IPPR's integrity management and overseas business comprehensive capabilities. It is also an important reference standard for the China International Contractors Association to recommend outstanding contractors to relevant government departments and financial insurance institutions and to evaluate enterprises. 



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